Saturday, June 28, 2008


field of daffodils
the smiling faces
of the kindergarten class

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kiki the Cat

paw prints
in the garden ::
two months after her death
January 2008

waiting two hours
in the return line
...the donation barrel

January blizzard
she paints flowers
on the wall

December 2007

Christmas Eve night
the silence
of the snow

morning chill
the mountain chickadee bathing
in the half-frozen stream

September 2006

I spent the whole week at a beach cafe, on a hill looking east towards the mountains at sunset, and in my own backyard garden. Here is what I came up with. The season is deciding when it would be best to let the sun cool down and puff the clouds up with moisture that is so badly needed.

* * * * *

the autumn leaves
begin to fall
piano needs tuning

seaside cafe
desperate not to be noticed
the pigeon relieves himself
by my foot

fall in the air ::
the sun tilts the shadows
further north

curious eyes
as I write in my book
his coffee spills

hour after hour
the dog watches the door
I anxiously go to the gym

magnolia blossom
in full bloom
her first date

* * *

gas shortage
the fourth night
of grandma's navy beans

double rainbow
the unopened letter
on her desk

August 2006

a crowd of spectators
wearing yellow hats

driving to Los Angeles
bumper to bumper